"The Yellow Flag: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a novel written in the late 19th century. Set against the backdrop of Victorian society, the story follows Tom Durham, a young man who has received a dubious financial arrangement for an agency position in Ceylon, and his complex relationships with his half-sister Alice Claxton, and the scheming Pauline. The novel delves into themes of morality, deception, and the quest for personal redemption. The opening of "The Yellow Flag" introduces Tom Durham and Alice Claxton during a poignant farewell in Southampton. Tom is preparing to leave for Ceylon with a substantial sum of money from their benefactor, John Claxton, Alice's husband. As they discuss his departure, hints of Tom’s questionable character emerge, along with tensions in their relationship. The narrative shifts to highlight the atmosphere of Tom's departure, revealing the cheerful scenery around them contrasting with the darker undertones of his intentions. Following the departure, Tom is shown engaging in dubious activities, suggesting a life of manipulation and deceit, signaling the unraveling of his true nature as he interacts with Pauline, an accomplice of sorts. Alice is left unaware of the deeper ties and potential troubles that Tom's journey might bring forth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Yellow Flag: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)
By Edmund Yates
"The Yellow Flag: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a novel written in the late 19th century. Set against the backdrop of Victorian society...
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About the Author
Edmund Hodgson Yates was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist.
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