"Land at Last: A Novel" by Edmund Yates is a work of fiction written in the late 19th century. The story begins in the bleak and slushy streets of London one January night, introducing themes of poverty and social struggles through the experiences of characters navigating the city's harsh realities. The narrative implies an exploration of the lives of various individuals, particularly a fragile young woman who faces despair and humiliation, hinting at potential character interactions and developments as the plot unfolds. At the start of the novel, the setting is a cold, damp London night where the streets are muddy with melting snow. The focus shifts to a young woman who is suffering from cold and hunger, standing motionless in a doorway. A policeman notices her distress but moves on, illustrating society's apathy towards the less fortunate. As the narrative progresses, Geoffrey Ludlow, an artist, overhears the girl's faint cry for help and rushes to her aid, suggesting a turning point in his life. This act of compassion sets the stage for deeper connections and encounters among the characters as they confront the challenges of their social circumstances. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Land at Last: A Novel
By Edmund Yates
"Land at Last: A Novel" by Edmund Yates is a work of fiction written in the late 19th century. The story begins in the bleak and slushy streets of Lon...
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About the Author
Edmund Hodgson Yates was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist.
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