"The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 2 of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The book continues the journey of its characters, particularly focusing on Bryan Duval, a celebrated actor, as he prepares to embark on a theatrical tour to America with his troupe. The narrative captures the intricacies of personal relationships against the backdrop of the theatrical world. At the start of this volume, the narrative introduces a series of events leading up to the departure of Duval and his troupe from London to Liverpool. We see Clara Montressor, a young actress, reflecting on her relationship with Duval while receiving a letter that details their travel plans. The opening chapters depict the hustle and bustle of preparations and foreshadow the dynamics of the characters as they navigate both opportunity and rivalry in the world of performance. Other characters, such as Mr. Foster and the enigmatic sailor, emerge as pivotal figures, setting the stage for intrigue and potential conflict as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 2 of 3)
By Edmund Yates
"The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 2 of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The book continues the journey of ...
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About the Author
Edmund Hodgson Yates was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist.
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