"The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 3 of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around the tragic fate of Alston Griswold, whose murder sets in motion a web of intrigue involving his wife, Helen Griswold, and a network of characters seeking justice for his suspicious death. As the story unfolds, themes of love, betrayal, and the quest for truth come to the forefront, encapsulated in the emotional struggle of the primary figures. The opening of the novel introduces a pivotal moment when Thornton Carey announces the devastating news of Alston Griswold's death to his wife Helen. Initially calm and composed, Helen’s facade begins to unravel as she grapples with the harsh reality of her husband's murder, believed to be an act of foul play. Carey and Helen quickly resolve that justice must be sought, as they delve into uncovering the mystery behind his death, suspecting it is connected to unknown enemies from Alston's business dealings. The stage is set for a gripping tale of investigation and emotional turmoil as the characters navigate their entangled destinies. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 3 of 3)
By Edmund Yates
"The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 3 of 3)" by Edmund Yates is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around the tr...
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About the Author
Edmund Hodgson Yates was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist.
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