"The Viper of Milan: A Romance of Lombardy" by Marjorie Bowen is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set in the tumultuous and politically charged environment of 14th-century Italy, the narrative focuses on the rise of Gian Galeazzo Maria Visconti, the Duke of Milan, and intertwines themes of tyranny, romance, and rebellion. The story follows characters caught in the gripping turmoil of their time, particularly highlighting the experiences of young travelers Tomaso and Vittore, as well as the infamous Visconti family. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to the beauty of Lombardy, juxtaposed with the stark reality of peasant life under the oppressive rule of the Visconti. The opening scene captures a moment of tension as a cavalcade led by the Duke passes a group of downtrodden peasants, eliciting fear and awe. Young Tomaso is injured during a harrowing encounter with the Duke's enforcers, thrusting his cousin Vittore into a desperate search for help. The visceral emotions of hopelessness and longing for freedom set the tone for the unfolding drama, while establishing the malevolent presence of the Visconti as a catalyst for the characters' struggles. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Viper of Milan: A Romance of Lombardy
By Marjorie Bowen
"The Viper of Milan: A Romance of Lombardy" by Marjorie Bowen is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set in the tumultuous and polit...
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