"Flash Evans, Camera News Hawk" by Frank Bell is a fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story centers around Flash Evans, a young and enterprising photographer who works for the "Brandale Ledger" newspaper. As he navigates through various adventures in pursuit of exciting stories and compelling images, Flash finds himself embroiled in a world of intrigue, particularly surrounding a controversial parachute jumper and unexpected events that unfold during a train wreck. The opening of the book introduces Flash Evans as he finishes a basketball game with his friend Jerry Hayes before heading back to work. Flash is eager to capture great photo opportunities, showcasing his dedication and enthusiasm for his job as a photographer. His adventure begins when he spots Bailey Brooks, a parachute jumper who has been shrouded in controversy, and decides to follow him, anticipating a potential scoop. Flash's instincts lead him to exciting moments, including a daring parachute jump and a tragic train wreck, setting the stage for a series of thrilling events that blend his passion for photography with increasingly dangerous situations. The early chapters establish not just the backdrop of Flash's professional life, but also introduce elements of suspense, personal challenges, and the complexities of journalism. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Flash Evans, Camera News Hawk
By Frank Bell
"Flash Evans, Camera News Hawk" by Frank Bell is a fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story centers around Flash Evans, a young...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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