"The Prey of the Strongest" by Morley Roberts is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative is set against the backdrop of British Columbia and explores the lives of workers in a lumber mill, highlighting the vibrant and perilous dynamics within a diverse community. The central character, Pitt River Pete, is a half-breed laborer returning to work at the mill and navigating the complex relationships with his colleagues, including the affections and tensions surrounding his wife, Jenny. The opening of the novel introduces readers to the day-to-day life in the mill through detailed descriptions of the machinery and workflow that dominate the setting. Pitt River Pete arrives at the bustling lumber mill, filled with a mix of anticipation and reflection on his past experiences. As the rhythm of labor unfolds, relationships and rivalries between the workers begin to take shape. Pete is quickly drawn into the workplace's social intricacies, particularly concerning his wife, Jenny, and the mill's manager, George Quin, who has his eyes set on her. This segment establishes a vivid picturing of mill life, setting the stage for conflicts and themes of love, jealousy, and the struggle for survival in a harsh environment. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The prey of the strongest
By Morley Roberts
"The Prey of the Strongest" by Morley Roberts is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative is set against the backdrop of British Colum...
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About the Author
Morley Charles Roberts was an English novelist and short story writer, best known for The Private Life of Henry Maitland.
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