"First Base Faulkner" by Christy Mathewson is a fictional novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Joseph "Joe" Faulkner, who moves to Amesville, Ohio, to live with his Aunt Sarah after the death of his father. Joe must navigate the challenges of settling into a new town, attending school, and finding work to support himself while establishing stability for his family's future. The opening of the story introduces Joe Faulkner as he arrives in his new home on a bleak winter morning. Despite feeling disoriented and less than fortunate, Joe holds aspirations for his time in Amesville. He quickly meets his no-nonsense Aunt Sarah, who provides him with a warm welcome, albeit with a touch of sternness. As he begins to adjust, Joe also contemplates his education and future, pondering how to balance school with the need to earn a living. This sets the stage for his journey of personal growth and forming new friendships, as he encounters various challenges in his new life that will shape him along the way. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
First Base Faulkner
By Christy Mathewson
"First Base Faulkner" by Christy Mathewson is a fictional novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Joseph ...
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About the Author
Christopher Mathewson, nicknamed "Big Six", "the Christian Gentleman", "Matty", and "the Gentleman's Hurler", was an American professional baseball pitcher who played 17 seasons in Major League Baseball for the New York Giants. He stood 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m) tall and weighed 195 pounds (88 kg). He was among the most dominant pitchers in baseball history, and ranks in the all-time top 10 in several key pitching categories, including wins, shutouts, and earned run average. In 1936, Mathewson was elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame as one of its first five members.
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