"Jungle Tales" by B. M. Croker is a collection of short stories likely written in the early 20th century. Set in India, the tales explore Anglo-Indian life and the intricate relationships between British colonials and the native populace. The vivid storytelling reveals a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and sentiments that characterize life in the Indian subcontinent. At the start of the collection, the reader is introduced to various characters, including a subaltern named Perkin and his cousin Algy, who arrives from England to experience India. Their interactions raise questions about identity and cultural disconnect, especially as they plan a jungle expedition to hunt a notorious man-eating tiger, which sets the stage for both adventure and the exploration of societal themes. Through the humorous and sometimes poignant dialogues, readers gain insight into the characters' differing perceptions of India and the complexities of their experiences in the jungle. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jungle Tales
By B. M. (Bithia Mary) Croker
"Jungle Tales" by B. M. Croker is a collection of short stories likely written in the early 20th century. Set in India, the tales explore Anglo-Indian...
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About the Author
Bithia Mary Croker was an Irish novelist most known for her works concerning life and society in British India. She also wrote ghost stories.
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