"The Texan" by James B. Hendryx is a novel written in the early 20th century. This story delves into the adventurous life in the cattle country, primarily following the exploits of a young Texan named Benton who finds himself embroiled in the vibrant and tumultuous environment of Las Vegas. The narrative likely explores themes of friendship, courage, and the rugged lifestyle of cowboys. The opening of the novel introduces us to Benton, a cowpuncher who arrives in Las Vegas with a small amount of money and a desire for adventure. Immediately, he finds himself in a tense atmosphere within a saloon, where he encounters various characters including a surly bartender and a group of Mexicans engaged in gambling. After bravely intervening in an altercation involving a gambler and a proprietor, Benton befriends a half-breed named Bat who has ambitions of returning to Montana. As they navigate through the raucous setting filled with bar fights and the excitement of a bucking contest, the reader is drawn into their escapades, hinting at future adventures that will unfold in the cattle country. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Texan A Story of the Cattle Country
By James B. (James Beardsley) Hendryx
"The Texan" by James B. Hendryx is a novel written in the early 20th century. This story delves into the adventurous life in the cattle country, prima...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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