"The Great Cattle Trail" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young Texan named Avon Burnet, who is a skilled horseman and is set to accompany a cattle drive from Texas to Kansas along the famous Great Cattle Trail. Throughout the narrative, Avon faces numerous challenges, including threats from Comanche Indians, as he embarks on this adventurous journey that promises excitement, danger, and personal growth. The opening of the novel introduces Avon as he prepares to leave his home with his Uncle Captain Dohm Shirril for the cattle drive. Avon’s confidence in his abilities and the close relationship with his uncle and aunt are established, setting the stage for the uncertainties ahead. As tensions rise with the mention of Comanche activity in the area, the narrative is heightened when a sudden Indian attack breaks the calm, leading to a dramatic sequence where Avon steps in to save his uncle. The stage is set for Avon's perilous journey and the escalating confrontations with the Comanches, foreshadowing both action and adventure as the characters navigate the threats of the frontier. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Great Cattle Trail
By Edward Sylvester Ellis
"The Great Cattle Trail" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young Texan named Avon Burn...
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About the Author
Edward Sylvester Ellis was an American author.
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