"Old Crow" by Alice Brown is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in post-World War I Boston and follows the life of John Raven, a weary and introspective man who struggles with the burdens of his past experiences, particularly during the War, and the expectations of his family. The narrative centers on his relationships with his nephew Richard Powell and a young woman named Nan, illustrating the complexities of familial loyalty, love, and the lingering effects of trauma. The opening of the novel presents John Raven sitting in his library, engaged in a mental duel as he awaits the arrival of his nephew, Dick. This scene establishes the undercurrents of tension and impending life-altering decisions that Raven must confront, particularly regarding his desire to retreat from the burdens of life and the expectations placed upon him. As the family dynamic unfolds with Dick's involvement and the introduction of Nan, the intricate emotional connections among the characters come into focus. Their conversations hint at deeper conflicts surrounding love, responsibility, and unresolved legacies from the past, setting the stage for the complex interplay of their relationships throughout the narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Old Crow
By Alice Brown
"Old Crow" by Alice Brown is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in post-World War I Boston and follows the life of John Rave...
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About the Author
Alice Brown was an American novelist, poet and playwright, best known as a writer of local color stories. She also contributed a chapter to the collaborative novel, The Whole Family (1908).
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