"Gilead Balm, Knight Errant: His Adventures in Search of the Truth" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the titular character, Gilead Balm, a young and disinterested philanthropist who embarks on various quests in pursuit of emotional truths and mysteries, driven by his romantic ideals about benevolence and moral integrity. The novel explores themes of social justice and the complexities of human behavior as Gilead navigates through a series of intriguing cases inspired by personal ads. The opening of the novel introduces Gilead Balm, a charming and sympathetic young clerk who works for the Charity Commissioners. Despite his modest salary and background as an orphan, Gilead yearns for a life filled with purpose beyond his mundane job, finding excitement in the emotional appeals he encounters in the Agony Column of the "Daily Post". His first significant adventure unfolds when he responds to an ad that hints at a mysterious lady, Vera Halifax, experiencing persecution. Gilead’s intuitive nature draws him into her plight, setting the stage for engaging encounters that intertwine personal sacrifice, romantic intrigue, and the ongoing quest for truth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Gilead Balm, knight errant : $b His adventures in search of the truth
By Bernard Capes
"Gilead Balm, Knight Errant: His Adventures in Search of the Truth" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows t...
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About the Author
Bernard Edward Joseph Capes was an English author.
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