"The Story of Fifine" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows Felix Dane, an artist living in Paris, who finds himself entangled in a dramatic situation involving his step-sister Marion and a young girl named Fifine. The story explores themes of social class, identity, and the complexities of relationships as Felix takes on the responsibility of protecting Fifine from her dangerous father, who doubts her legitimacy. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Felix, who enjoys the vibrant life in Paris after spending time in solitude. He learns from his step-sister Marion that she has been hiding Fifine from her father, a man driven to madness by suspicions about his daughter's legitimacy. In an urgent turn of events, Marion tasks Felix with safeguarding Fifine, who is described as a beautiful yet innocent young woman. The beginning sets up an intriguing blend of romance, mystery, and the challenges of societal expectations as Felix adapts to his new role while navigating his growing interest in Fifine amid the perilous circumstances surrounding her. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The story of Fifine
By Bernard Capes
"The Story of Fifine" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows Felix Dane, an artist living in Paris, who ...
Bernard Edward Joseph Capes was an English author.
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