"The Seven Books of Paulus Ægineta, Volume 2" by Francis Adams is a scientific publication written during the mid-19th century. This work serves as a translation of a classical medical text, originally authored by Paulus Ægineta, and encompasses a comprehensive commentary that showcases the medical knowledge of the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians concerning various aspects of medicine and surgery. The focus of this volume includes discussions on ailments such as elephantiasis, leprosy, and other skin conditions, reflecting the historical context of ancient medical practices. The opening of the volume introduces the fourth book, beginning with a detailed examination of elephantiasis, a chronic and often incurable disease. It outlines the origins and symptoms of the disease, emphasizing its severity and the challenges in treating it. The text provides various treatment methods, including bloodletting, purging with specific remedies, and dietary practices that may help alleviate the condition at its onset. The commentary also references various ancient and contemporary medical sources, illustrating a blend of inherited wisdom and prevailing beliefs about contagious diseases and their treatments. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 2 (of 3) : $b translated from the Greek: with a commentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery
By Aegineta Paulus
"The Seven Books of Paulus Ægineta, Volume 2" by Francis Adams is a scientific publication written during the mid-19th century. This work serves as a ...
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About the Author
Paul of Aegina or Paulus Aegineta was a 7th-century Byzantine Greek physician best known for writing the medical encyclopedia Medical Compendium in Seven Books. He is considered the “Father of Early Medical Writing”. For many years in the Byzantine Empire, his works contained the sum of all Western medical knowledge and was unrivaled in its accuracy and completeness.
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