"Seven Little Australians" by Ethel Turner is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Woolcot family, particularly the seven mischief-making siblings who navigate life in Australia with a balance of humor, chaos, and the typical challenges of childhood. The narrative begins with a lively introduction to the characters, highlighting their distinct personalities and the spirited dynamic of their household. At the start of the novel, the author paints a vivid picture of the seven Woolcot children at their chaotic nursery tea, where chaos reigns supreme amidst their raucous behavior. The reader is introduced to each child in detail, from Meg, the eldest, to Bunty, Baby, and the clever, mischievous Judy, who often finds herself at the center of trouble. Their father, Captain Woolcot, struggles to maintain order amidst the lively and often noisy household, where the children’s antics continuously defy traditional expectations. Capturing the essence of childhood in all its mischief and unpredictability, the opening portion sets the stage for a charming and engaging exploration of family life, relationships, and the individual character of each child. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Seven Little Australians
By Ethel Turner
"Seven Little Australians" by Ethel Turner is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Woolcot family, particularly the...
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About the Author
Ethel Turner was an English-born Australian novelist and children's literature writer.
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