"Queen of the Black Coast" by Robert E. Howard is a fantasy adventure novella written in the early 20th century. This story follows the legendary character Conan the Cimmerian as he encounters love, violence, and perilous adventures at sea. Set in a mythical version of ancient history, the novella explores themes of honor, desire, and the wild, untamed spirit of its characters. In the narrative, Conan escapes from tyranny in Argos and joins a pirate crew on the galley "Argus" before facing off against the fearsome pirate queen, BĂȘlit, who leads the notorious crew aboard the "Tigress". Their fierce encounter quickly turns into a passionate romance as they raid coastal villages and seek out untold treasures along the Zarkheba river. However, they soon encounter a myriad of supernatural horrors and ruthless enemies in a cursed land, culminating in tragedy when BĂȘlit falls victim to the mysterious forces at play. The story not only showcases thrilling action but also delves into the emotional bonds formed in a tumultuous world, ultimately leading Conan to confront despair and loss in the aftermath of BĂȘlit's demise. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Queen of the Black Coast
By Robert E. (Robert Ervin) Howard
"Queen of the Black Coast" by Robert E. Howard is a fantasy adventure novella written in the early 20th century. This story follows the legendary char...
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About the Author
Robert Ervin Howard was an American writer who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He created the character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.
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