"Vicky Van" by Carolyn Wells is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story introduces us to Victoria "Vicky" Van Allen, a lively and captivating young woman who is at the center of an intrigue that unfolds during an evening gathering in her charming New York City home. As the narrative starts, we meet the main character Chester Calhoun, who is intrigued by Vicky's vibrant personality and the social dynamics at play among her eclectic group of friends. At the start of the book, we are drawn into Vicky’s world through the eyes of Chester Calhoun, a junior partner at a law firm who often mingles within the fashionable circles of New York society. The narrative sets a light-hearted tone as Chester describes his admiration for Vicky and her fashionable salon filled with lively games of bridge and charming guests. However, the atmosphere quickly shifts when a tragic event occurs; a man named Somers is mysteriously stabbed, which sparks concern for Vicky's safety and involvement. The opening chapters offer hints at Vicky’s elusive nature, her relationships with her friends, and the tensions that arise when scandal enters her seemingly glamorous life. As the mystery unfolds, the stakes are raised, leading readers to question Vicky's innocence and the true nature of her social world amidst the shocking turn of events. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Vicky Van
By Carolyn Wells
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"Vicky Van" by Carolyn Wells is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story introduces us to Victoria "Vicky" Van Allen, a lively and cap...
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About the Author
Carolyn Wells was an American mystery author.
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