"The Later Cave-Men" by Katharine Elizabeth Dopp is an educational children's book written in the early 20th century. This work is part of a series focusing on industrial and social history for primary grades, aiming to educate young readers about the development of human societies. It centers on the lives of cave-men during the "Age of the Chase," showcasing their interactions with the natural world, from hunting techniques to social dynamics within their clans, particularly through the lens of characters like Fleetfoot and Chew-chew. The opening of the book introduces readers to the seasonal rhythms of cave-men life, particularly the annual migration of reindeer that the Cave-men anticipate with excitement. The narrative describes their preparations for the hunt, highlighting the roles of both men and women in this communal endeavor. Chew-chew, a wise elder, engages the children with stories while they observe the unfolding events, shaping their understanding of their heritage. The text blends action with educational elements, such as practical activities and questions that encourage interaction, setting the stage for a lively exploration of prehistoric life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Later Cave-Men
By Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
"The Later Cave-Men" by Katharine Elizabeth Dopp is an educational children's book written in the early 20th century. This work is part of a series fo...
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About the Author
Katharine Elizabeth Dopp was one of the foremost American educators at the turn of the 20th century, and one of the first to advocate the involvement of business in education. She wrote a series of textbooks on anthropology and economics which were widely used in the public schools of Wisconsin, Illinois and Utah, as well as nationally circulated studies on the same subjects, and children's books.
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