"Light" by Henri Barbusse is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of a working-class town and captures the struggles and aspirations of its inhabitants, including the central character, a clerk named Paulin. The narrative delves into themes such as the weight of daily life, societal class divisions, and the pursuit of hope and love amidst despair. The opening of the novel introduces us to Paulin's humdrum existence as he finishes his workday and traverses through the industrial landscape, encountering various characters along the way, including his aunt Josephine. Their relationship is marred by past conflicts, particularly after a heated exchange that leaves them both in emotional turmoil. The scene effectively sets the tone for the rest of the novel, evoking a sense of melancholy and inertia in Paulin's life as he grapples with the looming realities of familial responsibilities, class consciousness, and his own personal aspirations in a world that feels heavy and indifferent. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Henri Barbusse
"Light" by Henri Barbusse is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of a working-class town and captures th...
Henri Barbusse was a French novelist, short story writer, journalist, poet and political activist. He began his literary career in the 1890s as a Symbolist poet and continued as a neo-Naturalist novelist; in 1916, he published Under Fire, a novel about World War I based on his experience which is described as one of the earliest works of the Lost Generation movement or as the work which started it; the novel had a major impact on the later writers of the movement, namely on Ernest Hemingway and Erich Maria Remarque. Barbusse is considered one of the important French writers of 1910–1939 who mingled the war memories with moral and political meditations.