"St. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical Student" by Edward Berdoe is a novel written in the late 19th century. This work explores the life and challenges of medical students in London, focusing on the character Harrowby Elsworth, who embarks on his journey at St. Bernard's Hospital. The story paints a vivid picture of the medical school's environment, the relationships formed, and the stark contrast between the noble aspirations of some students and the often reckless behavior of others. The opening of the narrative introduces readers to Harrowby Elsworth, a tall and earnest young man starting his medical studies on the first of October. As he navigates his new surroundings, he reflects on the expectations placed upon him as he enters the medical profession, anticipating both the onerous responsibilities and the grim realities of dissection. Elsworth's background, including his distant relationship with his father, sets the stage for his character development. The initial chapters establish a vibrant contrast between Elsworth's idealism and the boisterous, sometimes chaotic lifestyle of his fellow students, hinting at the moral dilemmas he will face throughout his training. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
St. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical Student
By Edward Berdoe
"St. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical Student" by Edward Berdoe is a novel written in the late 19th century. This work explores the life and challe...
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About the Author
Edward Collis Berdoe was an English physician, anti-vivisectionist and writer. He studied and wrote on the works of Robert Browning. He also campaigned against medical experiments on human patients and animals.
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