"Rivals of the Clouds" by Raoul Whitfield is a war fiction novella written during the early 20th century, likely around the 1920s. The narrative focuses on the aerial battles of World War I, specifically highlighting the lives and conflicts of fighter pilots in the heat of combat. It explores themes of rivalry, bravery, and the personal dynamics between characters in a high-stakes environment. The story centers around two pilots, Lieutenant Adams and the inexperienced Tex Langdon, as they navigate the treacherous skies filled with enemy aircraft and thick fog. From a tense rivalry fueled by accusations and misunderstandings, the narrative unfolds into unexpected camaraderie when Adams rescues Langdon during a dangerous aerial skirmish with the Germans. Through intense dogfights and wartime challenges, both pilots learn about their strengths and flaws, ultimately leading to mutual respect. The book captures not only the action of aerial warfare but also the personal growth of the characters as they confront their fears, egos, and the harsh realities of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Rivals of the clouds
By Raoul Whitfield
"Rivals of the Clouds" by Raoul Whitfield is a war fiction novella written during the early 20th century, likely around the 1920s. The narrative focus...
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About the Author
Raoul Whitfield was an American writer of adventure, aviation, and hardboiled crime fiction. During his writing career, from the mid-1920s to the mid-1930s, Whitfield published over 300 short stories and serials in pulp magazines, as well as nine books, including Green Ice (1930) and Death in a Bowl (1931). For his novels and contributions to the Black Mask, Whitfield is considered one of the original members of the hard-boiled school of American detective fiction and has been referred as "the Black Mask's forgotten man".
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