"Lost in the Fog" by James De Mille is a novel set in the late 19th century, likely during the 1870s. The book revolves around a group of boys from Grand Pre School, particularly focusing on their escapades as they embark on a nearly whimsical voyage aboard the schooner Antelope. The charming yet adventurous plot promises a mix of friendship, youthful enthusiasm, and the unpredictability of the sea as the characters navigate their way home while encountering numerous challenges along the way. At the start of the story, a beautiful July morning sets the stage for the boys' excitement as they prepare for a journey home via the Antelope. The opening introduces the boys, including Bruce, Bart, and Tom, as well as Captain Corbet, who enthusiastically supports their adventurous scheme despite the Doctor's cautions. The focus is on lighthearted banter and the preparations for sailing, emphasizing youth and camaraderie. As the voyage begins, the captain reflects on his fondness for adventure and the boys' eagerness, suggesting a journey filled with humor and unexpected events. However, hints of impending challenges arise, laying the foundation for a deeper exploration of themes like responsibility and the unpredictability of nature as they prepare to set sail. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lost in the Fog
By James De Mille
"Lost in the Fog" by James De Mille is a novel set in the late 19th century, likely during the 1870s. The book revolves around a group of boys from Gr...
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About the Author
James De Mille was a professor at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, and an early Canadian novelist who published numerous works of popular fiction from the late 1860s through the 1870s.
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