"Rebecca's Promise" by Frances R. Sterrett is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story follows Rebecca Mary Wyman, a school teacher, as she navigates her life filled with longing for experiences beyond her modest existence. The narrative introduces her emotions and desires, particularly her frustrations with her financial constraints and social standing, as emphasized in her poignant observations during an outing to a tea room with her cousin. The opening of this sentimental tale centers around a transformative afternoon tea at the Waloo, where Rebecca feels both out of place and enchanted by the experiences surrounding her. Through her interactions with her cousin and a chance encounter with the charming child Joan, who gives her violets and expresses affection, Rebecca's emotional landscape begins to shift. The encounter with Peter Simmons, a war hero, heightens her internal conflicts of envy and desire as she contemplates the disparity between her dreams and her reality. This introduction sets the stage for Rebecca's journey toward self-discovery, which promises to unfold with warmth and delightful adventures as she embraces the notion of "memory insurance," a term that suggests valuing life's fleeting joys alongside the burdens of future worries. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Rebecca's Promise
By Frances R. (Frances Roberta) Sterrett
"Rebecca's Promise" by Frances R. Sterrett is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story follows Rebecca Mary Wyman, a school teacher...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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