"Old Clinkers: A Story of the New York Fire Department" by Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds within the context of the New York Fire Department, focusing primarily on the life and challenges faced by Captain Keighley, a seasoned fireman. The story delves into the chaotic and perilous world of firefighting, particularly highlighting the intricacies of fire management and the interpersonal dynamics among the crew. The opening of the book introduces the immediate event of a fire aboard the freighter "Sachsen", setting the stage for a dramatic rescue and firefighting operation. Captain Keighley and his crew respond to a distress signal as an intense blaze threatens to engulf the ship. The narrative portrays the urgency and danger of their mission, as internal conflicts within the ranks of firemen complicate the situation. As Captain Keighley navigates both the fire itself and the rivalry among his men, the story captures the high stakes and camaraderie inherent in the life of a firefighter, revealing both the external threats of fire and the internal struggles for authority and loyalty within the fire department. This early part effectively serves to immerse readers in the tense atmosphere and establish character dynamics crucial to the unfolding tale. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Old Clinkers: A Story of the New York Fire Department
By Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins
"Old Clinkers: A Story of the New York Fire Department" by Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The nar...
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About the Author
Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins was a Canadian-born novelist and journalist.
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