"One of the Six Hundred: A Novel" by James Grant is a historical fiction written in the late 19th century. The narrative follows a young British cavalry officer, Lieutenant Newton Norcliff, who provides a glimpse into his life as he embarks on a journey home after serving in various military campaigns. The story vividly explores themes of duty, love, and the complexities of family relationships during a period when the British military was actively involved in overseas conflicts. The opening of the novel introduces Lieutenant Norcliff as he prepares to leave the barracks for a month-long leave back home. He reflects on his experiences in the military, the anticipation of foreign service, and the emotional weight of returning to a family and a home that have changed since his departure. His thoughts are intertwined with memories of his deceased mother and the unresolved feelings for his cousin, Cora, as he navigates the shift between military life and the welcoming familiarity of home. The beginning sets an engaging tone for a tale that promises adventure, romance, and the exploration of personal growth amidst the backdrop of historical events. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
One of the Six Hundred: A Novel
By James Grant
"One of the Six Hundred: A Novel" by James Grant is a historical fiction written in the late 19th century. The narrative follows a young British caval...
James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish novelist and miscellaneous writer.
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