"Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 1" by James Grant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Morley Ashton, a young man returning to his idyllic English homeland after a tumultuous three-year stint in West Africa. As he reunites with his beloved Ethel Basset, the narrative unfolds against a backdrop of personal struggles, emotional turmoil, and the looming threat of separation due to Ethel's family’s impending move to the Isle of France. The opening of the novel sets a scene filled with nostalgia as Morley arrives at the picturesque village of Acton-Rennel, enveloped in the beauty of spring. His heartfelt reunion with Ethel reveals their deep affection amid a backdrop of anxiety, especially with the news of her family’s planned departure. This tension escalates with the introduction of Captain Cramply Hawkshaw, a rival for Ethel’s affections, whose presence and past complicate Morley’s hope for a future together. The opening chapters effectively establish the characters' relationships, setting the stage for the emotional conflicts and adventures that will follow. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 1 (of 3)
By James Grant
"Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 1" by James Grant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Morley Ashton, a young man...
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About the Author
James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish novelist and miscellaneous writer.
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