"Space-Liner X-87" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Fred Penelle, a Shadow Squadman tasked with observing a spaceship, the X-87, during a secretive interplanetary mission that may involve a plot against the Blake Irite Corporation. As Penelle embarks on this maiden voyage, he discovers that there are unexpected dangers lurking aboard, including potential enemies among the ship's crew. At the start of the narrative, Penelle is summoned to investigate mysterious happenings involving the spaceship X-87, which is transporting T-catalyst essential for Earth's technology. The crew is undermined by illness and strange occurrences, leading to escalating tension during flight. Notably, Penelle witnesses suspicious behavior from passengers and crew members, including a beautiful but frightened girl named Nina Blake, the daughter of the company's late owner. As conflicts arise and the situation deteriorates, Penelle becomes embroiled in a conspiracy that threatens the lives of everyone on board, necessitating his efforts to uncover the truth and protect those at risk. The opening builds a sense of suspense and intrigue, setting the stage for a gripping interstellar adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Space-Liner X-87
By Ray Cummings
"Space-Liner X-87" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Fred Penelle, a Shad...
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About the Author
Ray Cummings was an American author of science fiction literature and comic books.
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