"Alida; or, Miscellaneous Sketches of Incidents During the Late American War" is a historical fiction novel likely written in the early to mid-19th century. The narrative revolves around the life of Alida, the youngest child of a benevolent family, against the backdrop of the War of 1812. The story explores themes of love, loss, and the impact of war on personal lives, detailing Alida's relationships and the trials she faces as the nation is swept into conflict. The opening portion of the novel introduces Alida's family background, setting, and early life. Alida's father is depicted as an affectionate and generous man who finds joy in the serene beauty of their countryside home. However, tragedy strikes with the sickness of her mother, leading to a profound sense of loss for the family. As they grapple with their grief, Alida's father ultimately decides to send her to a female seminary in New York City to further her education. The narrative hints at a complicated web of relationships involving Alida, her surviving brother Albert, and other characters that will play significant roles in her life as the war progresses. The stage is set for her character development amidst the challenging times of war and personal upheaval. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Alida; or, Miscellaneous Sketches of Incidents During the Late American War. Founded on Fact
By Amelia Stratton Comfield
"Alida; or, Miscellaneous Sketches of Incidents During the Late American War" is a historical fiction novel likely written in the early to mid-19th ce...
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