"The Go Ahead Boys on Smugglers' Island" by Ross Kay is a fictional adventure story written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows a group of boys, particularly focusing on Fred Button, John Clemens, Grant Jones, and George Washington Sanders, as they embark on a fishing trip filled with unexpected thrills and challenges. Their journey takes a turn when they find themselves involved with mysterious figures on an island and an encounter that hints at larger dangers related to smuggling and intrigue. At the start of the book, the boys are excitedly setting out on a fishing expedition aboard the motorboat "Gadabout", under the watchful eye of their captain. The atmosphere is light-hearted as they discuss various topics and joke with one another, showcasing their camaraderie. However, the mood quickly shifts when they notice a mysterious man signaling from the shore of Cockburn Island, leading to a series of events that involve storms, near disasters, and ultimately, the intrigue surrounding their unexpected encounters with strangers, including a mysterious house and a Japanese servant. As tension builds with the disappearance of their boat and the captain's suspicious behavior, the boys are left questioning their safety and the motives of those around them, setting the stage for an exciting adventure filled with mystery and action. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Go Ahead Boys on Smugglers' Island
By Ross Kay
"The Go Ahead Boys on Smugglers' Island" by Ross Kay is a fictional adventure story written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows a group o...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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