"The Untouchable" by Stephen A. Kallis, Jr. is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around advanced scientific concepts involving a groundbreaking invention that allows a person to pass through solid objects. The story showcases themes of frustration and intrigue surrounding a mysterious device and the implications of its existence on security and the nature of reality. In the story, General George Garvers recounts a peculiar encounter with Henry Busch, a man who claims to be the bearer of an extraordinary invention created by his late friend, Dr. Hymann Duvall. This invention, a machine that enables individuals to phase through solid matter, poses significant security concerns for the military, leading Garvers to seek help from his friend, Max. However, the device turns out to be a double-edged sword; while it promises to enhance military capabilities, it becomes an untouchable mystery after a mishap leaves it in a state where it cannot be physically interacted with. As Garvers and Max confront the paradoxical predicament of wanting to analyze the device without being able to make contact, the narrative delves into the frustration of pursuing knowledge that remains just out of reach. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Untouchable
By Stephen A. Kallis
"The Untouchable" by Stephen A. Kallis, Jr. is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around advanced scie...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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