"The Copper-Clad World" by Harl Vincent is a science fiction novelette written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the character Blaine Carson, who finds himself adrift in space in a spaceship, the RX8, that is out of control, pushing into the unknown reaches beyond Mars. As the narrative unfolds, Blaine discovers that his ship has been compromised, possibly through sabotage by one of the guards onboard, and the stakes intensify when they are captured by the treacherous guard Antazzo, leading them towards an ominous fate on Jupiter's second satellite, Io. At the start of the tale, Blaine tries to manage the emergency situation aboard the RX8 as it careens through space, expressing concern about the sabotaged rocket systems and the possibility of piracy. Blaine's suspicions grow regarding Antazzo, a dwarf-like guard, who ultimately reveals his treachery by using a hypnotic gas to control Blaine and his engineer, Tom Farley. The opening chapters set a suspenseful tone as Blaine grapples with threats from within and the unknown dangers that lie ahead. Following their abduction to Io, Blaine learns the shocking truth about the copper-clad world and the dire implications of the inhabitants' plans for the solar system, establishing a conflict that resonates with themes of survival and moral choice. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Copper-Clad World
By Harl Vincent
"The Copper-Clad World" by Harl Vincent is a science fiction novelette written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the character Blai...
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About the Author
Harl Vincent was the pen name of Harold Vincent Schoepflin, an American mechanical engineer and science fiction author. He was published regularly in science fiction pulp magazines.
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