"The Long Patrol: A Tale of the Mounted Police" by H. A. Cody is a novel written in the early 20th century. It follows the journey of Constable Norman Grey, a member of the Royal North West Mounted Police, as he embarks on a perilous mission to rescue a kidnapped child, Donnie, in the remote wilderness of the Yukon Territories. The story is interwoven with themes of duty, bravery, and the personal struggles of the protagonist as he confronts both external dangers and internal conflicts during his quest. The opening of the novel introduces us to Grey in the Big Glen Barracks after he receives orders from Major Sterling to investigate the disappearance of Donnie, the son of a prominent local citizen. As he prepares for his journey, we see a glimpse of his character through the admiration of his peers who recognize his courage and capability. The narrative shifts to Grey's daunting trek through unforgiving landscapes, punctuated by a fierce encounter with a grizzly bear, showcasing his tenacity. Ultimately, Grey's determination pays off as he rescues Donnie from the icy waters of the Hishu River, setting the stage for further developments in this gripping tale of adventure and morality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Long Patrol: A Tale of the Mounted Police
By H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody
"The Long Patrol: A Tale of the Mounted Police" by H. A. Cody is a novel written in the early 20th century. It follows the journey of Constable Norman...
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About the Author
Hiram Alfred "H. A." Cody was a Canadian clergyman and novelist. He published 25 books, including a number of bestsellers.
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