"The Sphere of Sleep" by Chester S. Geier is a science fiction novel likely written during the early 1940s. The narrative follows Brad Nellon, a man driven by jealousy and desire, as he navigates the treacherous landscapes of Titan, Saturn's moon. The book delves into themes of morality, obsession, and the consequences of one's actions, as Brad contemplates murder to win the affection of a woman named Laura, who is already involved with his friend, Big Tim Austin. The story begins with Brad and Big Tim on a perilous expedition to retrieve forgotten equipment at a location known as Tower Point. As their journey unfolds, Brad struggles with his dark thoughts of eliminating Big Tim, believing it is the only way to have Laura to himself. Despite twice missing opportunities to execute his plan, Brad and Big Tim stumble upon a mysterious metal door hidden in the snow, which leads to an ancient alien structure containing dormant beings under the influence of a powerful green light. As Brad's intentions shift and human consequences intertwine with alien mysteries, he ultimately finds himself trapped in a fate he never anticipated: while Big Tim is put into a dream-like slumber, Brad is left alone, facing the reality of his own impending death in the harsh environment of Titan. The story forces readers to grapple with questions of ambition, morality, and the unforeseen outcomes of selfish actions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Sphere of Sleep
By Chester S. Geier
"The Sphere of Sleep" by Chester S. Geier is a science fiction novel likely written during the early 1940s. The narrative follows Brad Nellon, a man d...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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