“The Venus Evil” by Chester S. Geier is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century, during a time when space exploration was a burgeoning topic in popular culture. The story revolves around the themes of exploration, ambition, and the darker sides of human nature as it follows an ill-fated expedition to Venus. The likely topic of the book centers on the consequences of human greed and the unknown dangers encountered on an alien planet. The narrative unfolds through the perspective of Richard Farris, who recounts the harrowing events leading to the death of his fellow explorer, George Pearce. As a trio of scientists—Farris, Pearce, and another named Sandley—explore Venus, their initial excitement gives way to foreboding as they encounter bizarre lifeforms, particularly the eerily beautiful but lethal butterfly creatures. Farris grapples with his own ambitious desires for profit when he discovers precious gems on Venus, leading to a moral quandary between friendship and the urge for wealth. Ultimately, the situation culminates in a tragic confrontation between Farris and Pearce, as both men's greed and fear push them into a desperate struggle for survival against the alien threats of Venus. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Venus Evil
By Chester S. Geier
“The Venus Evil” by Chester S. Geier is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century, during a time when space exploration was a burgeoning...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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