"The Star Dreamer: A Romance" by Agnes and Egerton Castle is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins to unfold around Master Simon Rickart, a reclusive alchemist, and his daughter, Ellinor Marvel, who unexpectedly returns to their home, Bindon-Cheveral, after a tumultuous past. Themes of familial bonds, love, and the pursuit of knowledge are likely to be central to the narrative as Simons's solitary existence is disrupted by his daughter and the enigmatic David Cheveral, who finds solace and inspiration among the stars. At the start of the book, readers are introduced to Master Simon, a devoted scholar and alchemist, who is absorbed in his experiments within his secluded laboratory while his black cat, Belphegor, keeps him company. The arrival of Ellinor marks a transformative moment; she brings warmth into Simon's solitary life and reconnects him to humanity. Ellinor, having severed ties with her former life, is determined to stay with her father. The tension between Simon’s academic rigor and the emotional complexities that his daughter's presence brings is palpable. As the story unfolds, the interactions between father and daughter, alongside the introduction of the star-gazing David, hint at a deepening romance and intricate relationships set against the backdrop of dreams and aspirations associated with both the earthly and the celestial. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The star dreamer: A romance
By Agnes Castle
"The Star Dreamer: A Romance" by Agnes and Egerton Castle is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins to unfold around Master Simon...
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About the Author
Agnes Mary Frances Castle was a Victorian era Irish author who worked with both her sisters and husband. The stories that she co-wrote were the basis of several plays and films.
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