"Jack Derringer: A Tale of Deep Water" by Basil Lubbock is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on the experiences of a cowboy named Bucking Broncho, who finds himself shanghaied aboard a notorious American sailing ship, the "Silas K. Higgins". Lubbock seeks to depict the harsh realities of life at sea while also revealing the underlying allure and adventure that the ocean holds for those brave enough to answer its call. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Bucking Broncho, who awakens in a disheveled and chaotic foc'sle, surrounded by a drunken crew after having been kidnapped and forced aboard the ship. As he navigates this unfamiliar and harsh environment, he encounters Jack Derringer, a resourceful British sailor with a shrouded past. The two characters quickly bond as Broncho learns about ship life and the brutal hierarchy enforced by the ship's mate, Black Davis. As the story unfolds, the ship's atmosphere becomes increasingly tense following a violent confrontation that results in the death of the second mate, leading to further complications and dramatic developments among the crew. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jack Derringer : $b A tale of deep water
By Basil Lubbock
"Jack Derringer: A Tale of Deep Water" by Basil Lubbock is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on the experiences of a cowboy...
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About the Author
Alfred Basil Lubbock MC was a British historian, sailor and soldier. He was a prolific writer on the last generation of commercial sailing vessels in the Age of Sail. He was an early (1911) member of the Society for Nautical Research, served on its council (1921–1924) and contributed to its journal, The Mariner's Mirror.
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