"Ponteach; Or, The Savages of America" by Robert Rogers is a historical drama written in the late 18th century. The play unfolds a story centered around Ponteach, an Indian emperor, and the complexities of indigenous life and colonial power dynamics during a time of escalating tensions between Native Americans and English settlers. At its core, the narrative explores themes of betrayal, revenge, and the struggle for power against the backdrop of colonial encroachment. The opening of the play begins with two Indian traders, M'Dole and Murphey, discussing the challenges of trading with Native Americans. The dialogue quickly reveals the ruthlessness of their dealings, highlighting their intentions to deceive and exploit the Indigenous people with alcohol and trickery. This sets the stage for a larger commentary on the exploitation inherent in colonialism, as well as the resistance from the Native perspective. As the scene shifts, the character of Ponteach emerges, indicating the impending conflict as he prepares to unite various tribes against the threat posed by the English. Through these interactions, Rogers deftly illustrates the moral and social dilemmas faced by both colonizers and the colonized, establishing a rich context for the narrative to unfold. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Ponteach; Or, The Savages of America
By Robert Rogers
"Ponteach; Or, The Savages of America" by Robert Rogers is a historical drama written in the late 18th century. The play unfolds a story centered arou...
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About the Author
Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Rogers was a British Army officer and frontiersman. Born in Methuen, Massachusetts, he fought in King George's War, the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War. During the French and Indian War, Rogers raised and commanded Rogers' Rangers, a ranger unit trained for carrying out asymmetric warfare.
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