"The Glacier Gate: An Adventure Story" by Frank Lillie Pollock is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Doctor Rupert Lang, a once-prominent surgeon whose life takes a downward turn due to a series of personal and professional setbacks. The narrative unfolds as Lang grapples with his past and the challenges ahead, while encountering mystery, adventure, and a mysterious patient connected to a greater conspiracy. At the start of the story, Doctor Rupert Lang is introduced during a conversation with Miss Eva Morrison at a hotel in Mobile, where he struggles with the fallout from his failed career as a surgeon and a recent financial disaster. He contemplates a quiet life in the woods, far from his former prominence. However, a call to treat an unconscious yachtsman leads him on an unexpected journey aboard the yacht "Cavite". This quickly escalates into a tense scenario where Lang becomes embroiled in a potential kidnapping plot involving the missing defaulter, Arthur Rockett. As the opening portion progresses, Lang's encounter with Eva further complicates the mystery, hinting at romantic tension and narratives intertwining personal stakes with the unfolding intrigue. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Glacier Gate: An Adventure Story
By Frank Lillie Pollock
"The Glacier Gate: An Adventure Story" by Frank Lillie Pollock is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Doctor Rupert L...
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About the Author
Francis Lillie Pollock was an early twentieth-century Canadian science fiction writer. He was born in Huron County, Ontario, Canada in 1876. He wrote 'commercial fiction' under the pseudonym Frank L. Pollock, western or adventure fiction under the name Frank Lillie Pollock, and literary fiction under his own name. Some of Pollock's early commercial fiction can be found in The Youth's Companion. He also regularly published short stories and poetry in Munsey's Magazine, The Smart Set, The Atlantic, The Bookman and The Blue Jay.
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