"Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record" by Roy Rockwood is a science fiction novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around two young inventors, Jack Darrow and Mark Sampson, who are students at the Universal Electrical and Chemical College, and their daring aspirations to travel to Mars as part of a remarkable journey filled with scientific discoveries. At the start of the book, readers are introduced to Jack and Mark in their college laboratory, where they are conducting experiments. Their adventures take a dramatic turn when they receive a telegram from their guardian, Professor Henderson, summoning them home, stirring anxieties about his safety. Upon their arrival, they meet Professor Henderson's acquaintance, Mr. Santell Roumann, who proposes an extraordinary plan: a trip to Mars using a revolutionary projectile powered by a mysterious force known as "Etherium." As they prepare for their ambitious voyage, they tackle various challenges, including the theft of crucial machinery. The opening chapters set the stage for a thrilling interplanetary journey brimming with potential scientific wonders and unforeseen dangers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record
By Roy Rockwood
Great Marvel Series: Volume 4
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About the Author
Roy Rockwood was a house pseudonym used by Edward Stratemeyer and the Stratemeyer Syndicate for boy's adventure books. The name is most well-remembered for the Bomba the Jungle Boy series.
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