"Dynasty of the Lost" by George O. Smith is a dynamic feature novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Harry Vinson, a dedicated engineer whose groundbreaking work is threatened by a sinister plot involving theft and kidnapping tied to advanced machines. As the narrative unfolds, Vinson finds himself entwined with various characters including the enigmatic Narina Varada, setting the stage for a gripping conflict between human ingenuity and relentless mechanization. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to Harry Vinson, who arrives at his worksite to find his years of effort in building a complex machine has been devastated by theft. As he grapples with the shocking realization, the perspective shifts to Narina Varada, who is similarly caught in a web of danger involving malevolent machines that seem to operate independently. The plot intensifies as Vinson discovers he has been abducted, leading to a tumultuous escape attempt alongside Narina. The opening chapters set the stage for a clash of wills—between humans and machines—while teasing deeper themes about existence, control, and the very nature of intelligence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dynasty of the lost
By George O. (George Oliver) Smith
"Dynasty of the Lost" by George O. Smith is a dynamic feature novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Harry Vinson, a dedicat...
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About the Author
George Oliver Smith was an American science fiction author. He is not to be confused with George H. Smith, another American science fiction author.
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