"Vikings of the Pacific" by Agnes C. Laut is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The work explores the adventures of early explorers from various nations who navigated the Pacific Coast of America, including notable figures such as Vitus Bering, Francis Drake, and Captain Cook. Drawing on primary sources, Laut illustrates the fierce competition for discovery and dominance in the fur trade among these intrepid adventurers. The opening of the narrative introduces Vitus Bering, detailing his directives from Peter the Great to explore the waters between Asia and America. Laut describes the brutal hardships faced by Bering and his crew as they undertake an arduous expedition across Siberia to the Pacific. Throughout these early chapters, the author sets a dramatic tone, highlighting Bering's resolve against challenging odds and foreshadowing the complexity of the interactions between explorers and the indigenous peoples they encounter. Just as Peter the Great envisioned imperial conquests, the beginning of the tale hints at the transformative impact these journeys would have on world exploration and the significant contributions of these early navigators. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Vikings of the Pacific The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward
By Agnes C. Laut
"Vikings of the Pacific" by Agnes C. Laut is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The work explores the adventures of early explore...
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About the Author
Agnes Christina Laut was a Canadian journalist, novelist, historian, and social worker.
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