"School, Church, and Home Games" by George Orrin Draper is a compilation of recreational games aimed at promoting joy and social interaction, written in the early 20th century. The book focuses on offering a variety of games suitable for schools, homes, and community gatherings, emphasizing the value of play in personal and communal happiness. The opening of the work sets the stage for an extensive list of games categorized by their intended setting, such as schoolroom games for various age groups, sociable games for home and church, and outdoor games. It provides readers with insights into the importance of play in fostering connections among individuals, while also detailing specific games like "Cat and Mouse," "Aviation Meet," and "Hide in Sight." By framing the book with a foreword that articulates the significance of play, Draper establishes a premise celebrating the spirit of joy and engagement through these shared activities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
School, Church, and Home Games
By George Orrin Draper
"School, Church, and Home Games" by George Orrin Draper is a compilation of recreational games aimed at promoting joy and social interaction, written ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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