"The Boy Scout Explorers at Treasure Mountain" by Don Palmer is a fiction adventure novel written in the mid-20th century. The story centers around a group of young Scouts who embark on an expedition to Peru under the guidance of their leader, Mr. Livingston, to search for a missing explorer named Burton Monahan and the lost treasures of the Incas. The book promises a thrilling mix of adventure, treasure hunting, and challenges that the Scouts must face in a foreign land. At the start of the novel, the four main characters—Jack, Willie, Ken, and Warwick—are anxiously waiting for their Scout leader, Mr. Livingston, at a hotel. After a lengthy delay, Mr. Livingston arrives with unexpected news: a planned canoe trip to Minnesota has been canceled and instead, he invites the Scouts to join an expedition to Peru. The mission revolves around not only the search for Monahan but also involves deciphering an ancient parchment believed to contain clues about a hidden Inca temple. However, the boys, enthusiastic and idealistic, are soon faced with the complexities of dealing with a potentially shady character, Captain Carter, and navigating the dangers of their upcoming adventure as they strive to unpack the mystery surrounding Monahan's disappearance. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Boy Scout Explorers at Treasure Mountain
By Don Palmer
"The Boy Scout Explorers at Treasure Mountain" by Don Palmer is a fiction adventure novel written in the mid-20th century. The story centers around a ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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