"The River of Darkness; Or, Under Africa" by William Murray Graydon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Captain Guy Chutney, a young English officer called back to duty in Africa amid rising tensions and impending conflicts. He finds himself entangled in a treacherous situation that spans from London to the dangers of the African coastline, leading to a series of harrowing events involving betrayal, slavery, and survival. At the start of the tale, Captain Chutney, just before returning to India, receives an urgent commission from the Colonial Office to deliver critical documents to Sir Arthur Ashby in Zaila, a locality beset with unrest. After a brief stop at Aden, his journey becomes perilous as he comes into contact with suspicious characters, including a Portuguese trader named Manuel Torres. The unfolding drama escalates with the theft of the official documents, the outbreak of violence in Zaila, and ultimately, Chutney's descent into slavery alongside his companion, Melton Forbes, as they grapple with the chaos around them. The prologue and the first chapter set the stage for a gripping adventure filled with danger and intrigue, indicating a deep exploration of themes such as loyalty, heroism, and the struggle against insurmountable odds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The River of Darkness; Or, Under Africa
By William Murray Graydon
"The River of Darkness; Or, Under Africa" by William Murray Graydon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Captain Guy Chutney...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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