"The Pond" by Carl Ewald is a fictional tale written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows a pair of reed-warblers, who travel from Italy to their native pond, where they build a nest and start a family. Through their experiences and encounters with other pond inhabitants such as crayfish, eels, and various plants, the story explores themes of love, domesticity, and the circle of life in nature. At the start of the book, the young reed-warbler feels a longing for his homeland, prompting a journey with a female companion. Once they reach the pond, the couple builds a nest and lays eggs, filling their lives with joy. However, they quickly realize the dangers and harsh realities of their environment, confronted by creatures like the eel and stories of predation. The opening depicts the excitement of new beginnings while foreshadowing the challenges that lie ahead as they navigate the complexities of parenthood and survival in a bustling ecosystem. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pond
By Carl Ewald
"The Pond" by Carl Ewald is a fictional tale written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows a pair of reed-warblers, who travel from Italy t...
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About the Author
Carl Ewald was a Danish novelist and satirist known for his fairy tales.
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