"A Girl Among the Anarchists" by Isabel Meredith is a memoir written in the late 19th century that explores the author's experiences within the anarchist movement. The narrative starts with the recollection of the protagonist's unusual childhood, shaped by a liberal father who educated her and her siblings outside of conventional schooling. This upbringing instills in her a strong sense of independence and curiosity about social issues, leading her to intersect with anarchist circles, particularly influenced by figures in the movement. The beginning of the book introduces us to the protagonist, Isabel, who reflects on her childhood in a unique home environment dominated by her father's scientific pursuits and progressive views. Following her father's death, Isabel becomes increasingly dissatisfied with her solitary life and begins engaging with socialism and anarchist ideas alongside her brother. As she delves deeper into political discourse, she attends anarchist gatherings and confronts the complexities of the movement, including figures like the enigmatic Kosinski and the charismatic Nekrovitch. The opening portion sets the stage for a transformative journey as Isabel grapples with ideological convictions and her place within a rapidly evolving socio-political landscape. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Girl Among the Anarchists
By Isabel Meredith
"A Girl Among the Anarchists" by Isabel Meredith is a memoir written in the late 19th century that explores the author's experiences within the anarch...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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