"The Heir Presumptive and the Heir Apparent" by Mrs. Oliphant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lord Frogmore and his relationship with his heir presumptive, John Parke, as John announces his intention to marry Letitia Ravelstone, a woman from a modest background. The narrative explores themes of social class, family dynamics, and the expectations that come with titles and inheritance in Victorian society. The opening of the novel introduces us to the central characters of Lord Frogmore and his brother John Parke, the heir presumptive who is contemplating marriage. Frogmore is portrayed as a comfortable bachelor who takes great care of himself, while John, despite his privileged position, feels the pressures of familial obligation and societal expectations. When John reveals his desire to marry Letitia, a woman from a less prestigious background, Frogmore's reaction is one of amusement rather than concern. The scene sets up a complex web of relationships, honoring social hierarchies, personal aspiration, and the humorous, often precarious nature of navigating societal expectations. As the story unfolds, it hints at the evolution of both John's and Letitia's aspirations against the backdrop of class distinctions and familial loyalty. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Heir Presumptive and the Heir Apparent
By Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant
"The Heir Presumptive and the Heir Apparent" by Mrs. Oliphant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lord Frogmore and...
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About the Author
Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant was a Scottish novelist and historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant. Her fictional works cover "domestic realism, the historical novel and tales of the supernatural".
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