"The Last Shot" by Frederick Palmer is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set against the backdrop of modern warfare, drawing from the author’s extensive military experiences to explore themes of camaraderie, the impact of conflict on human relationships, and the absurdity of war itself. The narrative introduces several characters, including Colonel Hedworth Westerling and a young aviator, Captain Arthur Lanstron, as well as Marta Galland, a young woman caught between her family’s military ties and her own developing ideals about peace. At the start of the novel, the scene is a pastoral setting where Marta first spots an aeroplane flying overhead. As she and her family gather to watch, the tension builds when the pilot, Captain Lanstron, faces a perilous situation, ultimately crash-landing nearby. This incident ignites Marta's interest in the aviator and prompts a discussion about warfare, ambition, and human connection amidst the duality of excitement and tragedy that marks the opening of the narrative. The interplay between characters reveals deeper themes, such as the perception of bravery and the stark realities of combat, setting the stage for an exploration of the personal and societal consequences of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Last Shot
By Frederick Palmer
"The Last Shot" by Frederick Palmer is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set against the backdrop of modern warfare, drawing fro...
Frederick Palmer was an American journalist and writer.
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