"Chats on Old Silver" by Arthur Hayden is a historical account written in the early 20th century. This work serves as part of a series intended for collectors, focusing specifically on the intricacies and details of old silver plate. It delves into the significance of hallmarks and other markings found on silverware, guiding collectors on the identification and valuation of their pieces while celebrating the craftsmanship and history behind old silver. The opening of "Chats on Old Silver" introduces the subject of old silver collecting, emphasizing the importance of hallmarks in determining the authenticity, date, and value of silver pieces. Hayden discusses how a collector's journey often begins with a piece of family inheritance, touching on the legal and historical background that has shaped the silver craft in Britain. He notes that while beauty may not always correlate with age, the study of hallmarks serves as an essential foundation for collectors to appreciate their silver, ensuring they can discern genuine heritage from forgeries. The author establishes not only a technical guide for collectors but also a rich narrative that celebrates the art and history of silver craftsmanship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Chats on Old Silver
By Arthur Hayden
"Chats on Old Silver" by Arthur Hayden is a historical account written in the early 20th century. This work serves as part of a series intended for co...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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